
When I first landed in the Ahmedabad airport, I was super excited: with a trip to Gir National Park to look forward to. I really wanted to spot the famous Asiatic lions, home to the park, but I would be ecstatic by sighting many other animals like leopards and hyenas as well.

Did you know that Gir has the world’s largest population of Asiatic lions, and is the only place in the world where you can spot them roaming free in the wild!

Our resort there was quite close to the jungle, and I could hardly contain my excitement for the next day’s morning safari. It was Diwali that day, so me and my family celebrated around the campfire in the evening. 

Huts of Locals inside the Gir National Park, Gir blog by The Kid Who Travelled.

The next morning, at the crack of dawn, I bundled up in several woollen layers and we headed out for our first safari.

WARNING: it gets horribly chilly in the morning safari, especially in the winter. Layering up is essential.

We drove around for a long time before luck struck. The jeep stopped, and our driver and guide both pointed to a spot quite far away. We all looked in that direction, and lo and behold! 

We spotted a lioness, or rather her ear and head. Soon, it seemed as though there were two lionesses! I thought I saw the grass move, and a flash of yellow streak through it.

Could it be a lion cub? Anyway, the lions quickly began moving farther and farther away, and our attempts to track them failed. But at least we saw glimpse of them!

Our next safari, in the evening, was more eventful. After spotting a vulture or two, we were just heading back to the resort bemoaning our luck when we arrived next to a clearing, in the dead CENTRE of which was a leopard. An adolescent, with tufty ears.

Leopard up in a tree at Gir National Park, Gir Blog by The Kid Who Travelled.

It was standing stock-still, staring at us in shock. Its whole body was visible, and I took in every detail. It was majestic. Such a sighting I’ve never had.

Very soon, it bolted into the thicket without a backward glance. We tried in vain to spot it again; but we were still exceedingly pleased with our sighting. That image is burned in my memory till this date.

What a lucky catch!

We also visited Devaliya Park the following day (which was my birthday), and an adolescent male lion walked right NEXT to my seat on the tour bus!

Juvenile male Asiatic Lion at Devalia Park, Gir Blog by The Kid Who Travelled.

But time whizzes by when you’re having fun, doesn’t it?

Enjoy Gir!